
EMINEM Inspirational story

EMINEM 1.His father left him immediately after he was born. His mother blamed him for this. 2. He was raised in a trailer by a drug addict mother, who got herself into multiple relationships with random men. For every break-up with her boyfriends, she blamed him. 3. His uncle, who also served as his father figure killed himself and left him devastated at a very young age. His mother blamed him for this too. 4. He was bullied in school, was beat up in the bathrooms, in the hallways, shoved in the lockers -- for the most part. Was a victim of reverse racism too. 5. Failed his 9th grade three times and then dropped out of the school. 6. Married his childhood sweetheart, had a child, life seemed a bit better only for him to find out that his wife was cheating on him. Dispite life being unfair to him in so many ways, he fought the odds. But today; He's (arguably) the best father, know that he never had one. Lived half of his life in utter poverty, he's filthy

3 Ways To Highlight Your Skills In A Job Interview

A job interview is the place for you to demonstrate your skills and expertise and prove to the hiring manager why you’re the best fit for the role. Your skills establish your expertise and distinguish you from other candidates. How can you highlight your skills in a way that stands out? Don’t just talk about your skills, talk about how they’ll benefit the company. You want to showcase how your skills will benefit the company. Help the hiring manager understand how you’ll be an asset to the company and the team. When you talk about your skills, be sure to both describe them and also talk about their impact. Mention how you used your skills to get results or drive change. Pay attention to the language you use when talking about skills. Rather than prefacing all of your statements with ‘I’, talk about the skill itself. Describe how you used a particular skill in a team setting or how it helped you collaborate with a colleague. If you’re interviewing for a leadership position,

Mark Zuckerberg top 10 rules of success

Mark Zuckerberg top 10 rules of success.  1. You get what you spend your time doing. 2. Get feedback 3. Make mistakes 4. Only hire people who you would work for. 5. Learn for people around you 6. Build a really good team 7. Make a change in the world 8. Give the very best experience 9. Care the most about it 10. Social bonds are critical.

Motivational thoughts from the Bhagavad Gita

          Here are just a few of the numerous motivational thoughts from the Bhagavad Gita   For those who have conquered the mind, it is their friend. For those who have failed to do so, the mind works like an enemy.” – BG 6.6 “It is better to perform one’s own duties imperfectly than to master the duties of another.” – BG 3.35 “Those who eat too much or eat too little, who sleep too much or sleep too little, will not succeed in meditation. But those who are temperate in eating and sleeping work and recreation will come to the end of sorrow through meditation.” – BG 6.16 “Strive to still your thoughts. Make your mind one-pointed in meditation. The mind is restless and difficult to restrain, but it is subdued by practice.” “When a person is devoted to something with complete faith, I unify his faith in that. Then, when his faith his completely unified, he gains the object of his devotion. ” We are kept from our goal, not by obstacles, but by a clear path to a

Important job Skill

Employability skills are the abilities, qualities, and attitudes that employers say are essential for his or her geographic point. The positive Attitude  a positive attitude is a few things that go deeper and has an impression on the far side surface cheer. Negative attitudes promote concern, and a narrowing of focus and also the mind, whereas positive attitudes do the other. Communication.  Communication is that the act of conveyance meanings from one entity or cluster to a different through the employment of reciprocally understood signs, symbols, and philosophical theory rules. the most steps inherent to all or any communication are The formation of communicative motivation or reason Teamwork.  Teamwork is that the cooperative effort of a team to attain a standard goal or to complete a task within the handiest and economical approach. this idea is seen inside the bigger framework of a team, that could be a cluster of mutually beneficial people WHO work along towards

Inspirational SMART Full form

                Every goal should be S pecific-                                      exactly what is it you want to accomplish? The more detailed and specific the better the goal M easurable -                               in what ways can you measure your goal. So that you know you're making progress? . That you’ve succeeded. A ttainable -                                 is this goal something you know You can actually accomplish? R ealistic -                              do you have the capabilites resources and physical abilities to reach your goal.. Really. T ime-bound  -                                   how much time will you allow yourself to accomplish this goal 

The Rules of money

The Rules of money  1. Pay yourself first 2. Learn how to invest 3. Don’t be a hater of it 4. Give every dollar a job 5. Spend less than you earn 6. Have a plan and set goal 7. Don’t be a slave to money 8. If you have it don’t flaunt it 9. Keep your finances organized 10. It’s a game learn how it works 11. Always have an emergency fund 12. Always make money work for you. 13. Learn how to make passively 14. Use it to solve problems in the world 15. Know how to risk it and leverage it 16. Don’t use credit if you don’t have cash