3 Ways To Highlight Your Skills In A Job Interview

A job interview is the place for you to demonstrate your skills and expertise and prove to the hiring manager why you’re the best fit for the role. Your skills establish your expertise and distinguish you from other candidates. How can you highlight your skills in a way that stands out?

Don’t just talk about your skills, talk about how they’ll benefit the company.

You want to showcase how your skills will benefit the company. Help the hiring manager understand how you’ll be an asset to the company and the team. When you talk about your skills, be sure to both describe them and also talk about their impact. Mention how you used your skills to get results or drive change.

Pay attention to the language you use when talking about skills. Rather than prefacing all of your statements with ‘I’, talk about the skill itself. Describe how you used a particular skill in a team setting or how it helped you collaborate with a colleague. If you’re interviewing for a leadership position, talk about how you used your skills to motivate your team or how they made you a better leader.

Use examples from your current or past jobs.

The best way to highlight your skills is to provide examples. By talking about how you used your skills, you’ll show the hiring manager how you can fit into the role you’re interviewing for. Rather than bragging or boasting about your skills, describing how you used your them will do the talking for you.

Describe how you used specific skills in your current or past jobs to get results. Use a storytelling formula to make the greatest impact. Illustrate what the challenge was and how your skills helped resolve it. Fill in the story with details that highlight those skills.

Showcase your soft skills.

Soft skills, such as communication and problem solving, are some of the most valuable skills you can have. Soft skills are incredibly valuable to a company as they’re harder to teach than technical skills. By showcasing how you’re able to utilize your soft skills, you’ll be positioning yourself as an asset to the company.

Providing examples of soft skills can be done when you’re answering many common interview questions. Because soft skills are complimentary to technical skills, describing those two together can help establish your expertise. One easy way to demonstrate soft skills is to pay attention to your body language during the interview. Making eye contact, not fidgeting, and maintaining an even demeanor are all ways that highlight soft skills without having to even say a word.

Make sure that you don’t try to force mentioning a skill into every answer you give. While many questions lend themselves to this, not all of them will. Use your best judgement to ensure that you’re answering appropriately and positioning yourself in the best possible way


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