10 Things and habits about prophet Mohammad [PBUH]

Every human being has to follow prophet Mohammad [Peace Be Upon Him] habit for not spiriful benefits but also physical and physiological benefits too.
The lifestyle and teaching of our beloved holy prophet is a complete. Code of life. It provides us a complete guidance on every step of life. So here are the ten things and habits.

1.) He Established Rights for women

Another allegation against Islam is that it is a religion that oppresses women. Therefore being the bringer of the religion
Mohammad [PBUH] is also attributed with women oppressing attributes. This perception is also wrong. Because Prophet [PBUH] was very caring of the rights of the women and commended His followers to gives special treatment to women by giving them respect and equal right that they ought to have.

2.) One of the greatest hundred in history 

In the book '' The 100 '' by Michael H. Hart. Prophet Mohammad was rated NO.1 man from history who had the greatest influence on humankind.


                 ( There is reward for    kindness to every living thing.)

PROPHET MOHAMMAD [PBUH] was always telling the truth. Even his enemies attested to his truthfulness
Abu jahl. Who was one of the hardest enemies of Islam.
 Said:  O Mohammad I do not say that you are a liar. Only deny what you brought and what you call people to when you always say the truth
You will have inner peace and the people will trust you the most. 

4.) Smiling Pleasantly

A smile is a simple gesture to remove all the sorrows and tension from one's life. A companion said:
I have never seen a man who smiled as much as the messengerr of God [PBUH] Prophet Mohammad : when you smile to your brother's face it's a charity.so how awesome great and simple is this act (smile)
That with doing it you get rewarded and is an act of worship and also how nice and simple is the religion in which you are rewarded for just a smile to anyone.


            ( When you see a person who has been given more than you in money and beauty look to those who have been given less..)

5.)  Trustw Or Thinness And Reliability

The Prophet [PBUH] was well know for his honesty.
The pagans of Makka-who were openty hostile towards him would leave their valuable. Things with him. His honesty and reliability was tested when the papans of Makkah abused him and tortured his companions and drove them out of their home. He ordered his migration for three days to return to people their valuable things. 

           (being trustworthy and reliable makes our personality great and a respected person in the society.)

6.)    FASTING

Studies show that not just the food we eat. But our eating timing and patterns also have a profound impact on our health. Fasting was a regular practice of prophet Mohammed [PBUH] life. Not just during Ramadan. He would fast until every Monday and Thursday and also on the 13th. 14th and 15th of each Islamic month. This is similar to the intermittent fasting proctice. Which has been proven to balance hormone levels prevent oxidative stress. And reduce over all inflammation. When you think about it. The less food you put into your body the less it focus on healing itself from certain aiments.

7.)  Healthy And Fit 

Fulfilling three of the five pillars of Islam requires that Muslims sound healthy and fit the five times prayer in itself is a form of exercise that requires movement of your body's muscles and joints good health is also necessary if you intend to fast or participate in the pilgrimage (Hajj) 
PROPHET MOHAMMAD [PBUH] strongly encouraged physical exercise and told parents to encourage physical activity in their children to by saying
 [''teach your children swimming. 
Archery and horse riding
In another norration he said: practice archery and horse back riding "]

                ( No two things have been combined better than knowledge and patience.)

8.) Generosity :

Generosity is another hallmark of the personality of Mahammad [PBUH] he was the most generous person there could ever be he preferred others over Himself and always fulfilled the needs of anyone who came to thim to ask for something one of his companions
"The Prophet [PBUH] did not refuse to give anything which He had to someone if he asked for it"

9.) Modesty

Another striking personality attribute of Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] is his modesty he was the modest of all and never encouraged any kind of vulgarity rather he was bashful and strongly encouraged modesty in his followers. In one of his hadiths. He said:

"modesty is a part of teachings of the previous prophets and anyone who lacks it is most likely to do whatever he likes [Reported by Abdullah Ibn Maslamah]

10.) Good lesson

Do not criticize others prophet Mahammad [PBUH] said:
Always remember your own faults before you mention the faults of others.. 

Now that I have explained all necessary conditions of prophet-hood behavior throughout history. He was a religious teacher. A great father. A wonderful husband. A faithful friend an excellent guide. A strong believer. Social and political reformer and the best companion 

We should learn this lesson. How to respect women. And we should follow prophet Mahammad to our day to day life. 


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