
Showing posts from November, 2018

Best time for study

         *  Best time for study  Some people believe that reading in the day is right. On the other hand, some people believe that reading at night is right.  First of all we know that what is the biggest benefit of reading in the day and night.                                * Morning                       According to science early morning 4:00am best time of study.  The biggest benefit that happens through reading in the day is more Energy. When you wake up early in the morning it is a huge advantage for you because when you wake up in the morning you are quite fresh Which makes your mind work very well meaning your greasing power is very high .                                   *Night                     What is the biggest benefit of study at night such as silence and No distance.  1. Silence...  In silence, we have more power to think and the brain moves faster   Silence is the peace of mind and absence of distractions.


                      First of all I would like to say that you have to learn something that you want to do business. Learn from the type of business you want to do, how they do business. Follow them. Know those tips and cigarettes. Learn how they started. Because if you do business without learning you will fail badly. ( Focus on learning not on earning  ) *Learning does not mean reading books of education. => What is learning  Here are three steps of learning Step 1.) Observation = observe those people who are doing same business you want to do. Step 2.) Understanding = After observering the successful business man of your life by reading their books. Video. Interviews. Thoughts, make your understanding……… what you can do in your business. Step   3.) Apply it = Now apply that understanding on small level and practice it. I would like to say in the last do not Trade Without learning Because without learning we do not pass in Exam.

LIFE changing Book (Must Read). Top 5 favorite books of All Time.

                       I'll tell you some books that you should read you not only you we should read. These book once in our life. *Life Changing Book 1. Emotional intelligence = by Daniel Goleman. Emotional intelligence or EI is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, and those of the people around you. ... According to Daniel Goleman, an American psychologist who helped to popularize emotional intelligence, there are five key elements to it: Self-awareness. Self-regulation. 2. Finding your element = by Ken Robinson and Lou aronica In this companion to the international bestseller The Element, Sir Ken Robinson returns to the subject of his celebrated TED talks, offering a practical guide to discovering your passions and natural aptitudes, and finding the point at which the two meet- your element 3. How will you measure you life =  by Clayton M. Christensen James allworth and Karen Dillon  From the world’s leading think

Rules To Win The Day

                  Rules To Win The Day          1.) Get up set your mind Forget yesterday and set up your Mind every morning. Focus what you want. And keep your focus on your goals. Do not think bad about yourself because Your morning mood can change your life. 2.) Be confident Confident is not something everyone is born with most of us have to work at it. 1. Face your fears. 2. Push through self-limiting beliefs. 3. Never confuse memory with facts 4. Talk to yourself One of the fastest ways to grow your confidence is by starting with small changes and practicing them every day. 3.) Positive vibes only How will be bring positive vibes in life 1.banish bad memories 2.add soft materials. 3.get creative. yourself Its is important to stay positive because Beauty come from the inside out. (  * It's is better to sit alone than in company with the bad: )  4.) Profit target A profit target is a pre-determined Point at wh

Laws of karma

Laws   of karma 1.)    The Great Law Whatever we put into the universe will come back to us.  2.) The Law of Creation Life does not happen by itself We need to make it happen  3.)   The Law of Humility One must accept something  In order to change it.  4.)  The Law of Growth When we change ourselves our lives follow  Suit and change too.  5.)   The Law of Responsibility We must take responsibility for what is in  Our lives.  6.).   The Law of Connection The past present and future are All connected  7.)    The Law of Focus We cannot think of two different  Things at the same time.  8.)   The Law of Giving and hospitality Our behavior should match our  Thoughts and actions.  9.)   The Law of here and Now One cannot be present if  They are looking backward 

American Mastermind [ Abraham Lincoln ]

     Born in a one room log cabin on the sinking spring Form in Hardin County Kentucky on 12th February 1809. Lincoln served as the 16th president of the USA from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865. He successfully led his county through its greatest Internal crisis the American Civil War. Preserving the union & ending slavery. Inspirational thoughts  1.) And in the end, Its not the years in your life that count its The life your years. 2.) Government of the people, by the people for the People, shall not perish from the Earth. 3.) Things may come to those who wait but only The things left by those who hustle. 4.) Those who deny freedom to others deserve It not for them selves 5.) I have always found that mercy bears richer Fruits than strict justice. 6.) I am not bound to win but I am bound to be true. 7.) Don’t worry when you are not recognized But strive to