
Showing posts from January, 2019

Inspirational SMART Full form

                Every goal should be S pecific-                                      exactly what is it you want to accomplish? The more detailed and specific the better the goal M easurable -                               in what ways can you measure your goal. So that you know you're making progress? . That you’ve succeeded. A ttainable -                                 is this goal something you know You can actually accomplish? R ealistic -                              do you have the capabilites resources and physical abilities to reach your goal.. Really. T ime-bound  -                                   how much time will you allow yourself to accomplish this goal 

The Rules of money

The Rules of money  1. Pay yourself first 2. Learn how to invest 3. Don’t be a hater of it 4. Give every dollar a job 5. Spend less than you earn 6. Have a plan and set goal 7. Don’t be a slave to money 8. If you have it don’t flaunt it 9. Keep your finances organized 10. It’s a game learn how it works 11. Always have an emergency fund 12. Always make money work for you. 13. Learn how to make passively 14. Use it to solve problems in the world 15. Know how to risk it and leverage it 16. Don’t use credit if you don’t have cash

Bill Gates Top 7 Rules For inspirational

 Bill Gates Top 7 Rules For inspirational       William Henry Gates III, KBE, DFBCS is an American business magnate, investor, author, philanthropist, and humanitarian. He is best known as the principal founder of Microsoft Corporation 1. Life is not fair. Get used to it.  Stop expecting life to hand. You the things you think you “deserve” 2. The world doesn’t care about your self esteem. Start making something of yourself today. Right now. 3. You will not make six figure salary after school. You will have to work hard for what do you get. 4. If you mess up, it’s not your parents fault.  Stop spreading the blame around and take responsibility for your failure. 5. Your school may have done Away with winners and losers but life has not.  The result of an exam does not justify the means. It doesn’t bear the slightest resemblance to anything in real life.  6. Life is not divided into semesters.  Once life starts. It just goes on and

5 things you quit right now

5 things you quit right now. 1. Trying to please everyone.  It’s when you try to please everyone that it becomes a problem. In fact, more than a problem, a disease. Harriet B. Braiker called it “the disease to please.” And it’s making you ill 5 Ways To Stop Trying To Please Everyone 1. Trust Your Instincts 2. Be Authentic. 3. Criticism Comes With The Territory. 4. Don’t Supplicate to Others. 5. Know Your Boundaries. 2. Living in the past  Rehashing thoughts of painful events from the past or imagining negative events of the future is self-abuse and can be more destructive than physical harm. Quotes. • Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.” ... • “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” . 3. Overthinking.  Overthinking consumes your energy and decreases your ability to make decisions. It also increases your likelihood of exp

Most useful websites

Most useful websites that you wish you knew Earlier. 1. garden  You can listen to radio stations anywhere in the world.  2.  A great site for students. It solves algebra, calculus, and even chemistry problems.! 3. www.Archive .org/ web Find archived versions of websites from years ago. Also. On archive. Org you can find a lot of other good stuff like books. Movies. Etc. 4.  Listen to people's voices from all over the world.  5.  Just check of what's in your fridge,and the website will spit out a bunch of recipes you can make.  If you live on the road, this could be useful, and yes, it is exactly what it sounds like.  This website will calculate the best times for you to fall asleep so that you don't wake up in the middle of sleep cycle.  8.www.noisli.c

9 Rules of living by The Dalai Lama

     Dalai Lama is a title given to spiritual leaders of the Tibetan people. They are part of the Gelug or "Yellow Hat" school of Tibetan Buddhism, the newest of the schools of Tibetan Buddhism. The 14th and current Dalai Lama is Tenzin Gyatso       #1 Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.       #2  When you lose, don't lose the lesson.      #3  Follow the three 'R's 1.Respect for self. 2 Respect for others. 3. Responsibility for all your actions.    #4  Remember that not getting  what do you want  is Sametime  a wonderful stroke of luck     #5  Learn the rules so you know how to break the properly.   #6  Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.    #7  When you realize you've made a mistake take immediate steps to correct it.     #8  Spend time alone every day..    #9  Open your arms to change but. Don't let go change but don't let go of your.